Amidst all the astrological fireworks going on right now, I have been making time to reflect deeply on how I can best serve the community that I hope will form around Intuitive Eclectic as I share my passion for both learning and working to make the world a better place in community with you all.

Our weekly tarot card—and our course of learning
I want to share my vision for the core format for this exploration together. Each week I am going to thoughtfully pull a tarot card that is meant for you, me and all who join us on this journey. That card will act as both our syllabus and our foundational “text” for the rest of the week. Using all aspects of the card, we will study the tarot, numerology, symbols, astrology, crystals and any other correspondences the card brings up as an opportunity for holistic learning.

Embracing the community, rejecting the scarcity mindset
I want to make clear that a large percentage of what I share out, especially early on, will be from the best resources I find within my growing library, podcasts I follow, the websites of practitioners I am learning from, etc. In every case, I will share links to those resources, because Intuitive Eclectic isn’t about me pretending I somehow have all the information and answers. It is about learning, and we can only do that if we acknowledge and embrace the fact that we don’t have all the information and then dive into the work necessary to learn. As I learn more and have intuitive insights to share, I will certainly offer those, as well.

Community means conversation and support
There are so many of us who are discovering the power and importance of these tools, now more than ever in our lifetimes. I don’t want Intuitive Eclectic to be a broadcast channel. I want it to be a learning community where we can all learn from one another’s intuition, wisdom, research and learning. So I am exploring ways to make that happen. I would love to avoid having this live within the often toxic, problematic walls of Facebook—for so many reasons. So stay tuned for how that may manifest as I am hoping it will be soon!

We have important work to do together
To put this all in context: the world needs the work that we are embarking on together. We each need the work that we are embarking on together. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be on this journey with you. Thank you for being here with me, in community. 🌔



they / them
Founder ♏︎ Reader ♐︎ Guide ♋︎ Seeker ♎︎

Iris is the founder of Intuitive Eclectic and, first and foremost, a seeker on the intuitive eclectic path with a current focus on intuitive Tarot and its relationship with astrology, numerology, and symbolism more broadly. Iris’s work is grounded in the knowledge that we have gravely important work to do and very little time to do it, and that our work must be intersectional and expansive. Please get in touch.